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"We named you Jessica so that you'd have the same initials as your dad. Also, it sounds cool."

When I reach the end of life, I'd like to

If this cool grandma ideology sounds like something you can get behind, know that I'll be rooting for you. We'll make it, one day at a time.

About: Professional Edition

I'm finishing my last semester at Carnegie Mellon University, where I'm studying computer science. The technical area I spent the most time in is computer systems, but my real strength is my eagerness and persistence to learn new things.

If you'd like to talk, please email me at jessica dot ruan at outlook dot com!


  • Where else are you on the internet?

    💌 Email (preferred): jessica dot ruan at outlook dot com

    🔮 Discord: jespiron

    😸 Github: jespiron

    My other socials are private. I see email as my PO box, Discord as my front porch, and all the rest as my living room. I'm happy to invite you to my living room, but I'd like to get to know you a bit first!

  • I need your biographical information!

    🌲 Hometown: Bellevue, WA, land of tech, rain, and evergreen trees

    🎁 Favorite gifts: Book recommendations, memes, and cute stuff

  • The quote you put at the top of the page, is that real?

    Okay, to elaborate, and give more credit where credit's due, my parents were more deliberate in choosing my two other names meaningfully.

    The one that my relatives call me is 文晶, which is Mom's surname (文) + crystal (晶).

    The one that nobody calls me but goes in the genealogy books is 则灵, which comes from the verse, "山不在高,有仙则名; 水不在深,有龙则灵" (Rough translation: The mountain doesn't have to be tall; as long as it houses immortals, it'll be famous. The lake doesn't have to be deep; as long as it houses a dragon, it'll be spirited). I like the meaning; basically, don't judge worth based on outer appearance, but based on character. I got the "be spirited" part, while my brother got the "be famous" part.