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While working on an assignment for a parallel programming class, one of the tasks was to fix a buggy renderer and make it faster. A compiled render_soln was provided that you could compare results with, which proved to be a very, very helpful resource.

Our solution used scan as a subroutine to find the prefix sums of an array. Since one of the earlier tasks in the assignment was to implement scan, I originally lifted my implementation of scan from the earlier task. To get it to meet performance requirements, I did some research from sources [1][2], as well as referencing render_soln.

I later learned from my project partner that the starter code already provided a scan implementation 🤦‍♀️ but I still learned a lot from the exercise. It was my first time

  1. Understanding a use case for volatile
  2. Reading GPU instructions, in which cuobjdump and cu++filt were helpful tools [3]

Prefix Sum for 32-Sized Block

In short, I was trying to implement the algorithm described in Algorithmica, where the array is split into blocks of size 32, the prefix sum of each block is calculated, and the results of these blocks are later combined [1].


I was implementing the CUDA equivalent to Algorithmica's SIMD implementation, in which each 32-lane SIMD is equivalent to a 32-thread warp in CUDA, and each vector lane is equivalent to a thread in CUDA.

In this post, I will only discuss the process for calculating the prefix sum within a block, as combining the results of these blocks is a separate story.

Imagine you're standing in a line, with each person in line holding a number. Your task—as is the task of each person in the line—is to calculate the sum of the numbers from your position to the front of the line.

You can do it as follows:

Round 1: Ask the person in front of you for their number and add it to your number. Now you have the sum of the first two numbers.

Round 2: Ask the person two positions in front of you for their sum from round 1 and add it to your number. Now you have the sum of the first four numbers.

Round 3: Ask the person four positions in front of you for their sum from round 2 and add it to your number. Now you have the sum of the first eight numbers.


Round 5: Ask the person sixteen positions in front of you for their sum from round 4 and add it to your number. Now you have the sum of the first 32 numbers.

This is the general idea of the following CUDA code for calculating the prefix sum of an array of size 32, where each person in line is a CUDA thread, and

  • the ith person in line executes inclusivePrefixSumWARP(scratch + i, array[i])
    • array[i] is the number held by the ith person
    • scratch[32 + i] gets populated with the sum of the first i + 1 numbers in array
  • scratch is a 2*32 sized array where the first half is 0 and the last half holds the final result
__device__ __inline__ int inclusivePrefixSumWARP(int * data, int myvalue) {
    data[0] = 0;
    data[32] = myvalue;
    data[32] += data[32 - 1];
    data[32] += data[32 - 2];
    data[32] += data[32 - 4];
    data[32] += data[32 - 8];
    data[32] += data[32 - 16];
    return data[32];

Below how each step would look if we adapt it for an array of size 8.


I recommend following the trace of thread 3 in blue, as well as thread 7 in red.

Clarification: All the threads execute each line at the same time, no synchronization needed. In other words, at the end of data[0] = 0, threads 0 to 31 will have populated scratch[0...31] with 0. At the end of data[32] = myvalue, threads 0 to 31 will have populated scratch[32...63] with array[0...31], etc.

This is one difference between pthreads and CUDA threads. For pthreads, synchronization is needed because 1) the OS starts them at different cycles, 2) some threads may be slower than others due to various reasons such as cache misses. For CUDA threads, there is hardware support to make sure all threads in the same warp are synchronized, even if there are cache misses.

warp wiki I'm no longer in secondary school, so Wikipedia is a credible source.

As long as CUDA threads don't diverge, which happens when you have conditional if...else statements, __sync_warp() is not needed.

Our Code is Wrong

Our code is missing something very crucial that gives us incorrect results.

__device__ __inline__ int inclusivePrefixSumWARP(int * data, int myvalue) {

But when we mark data as volatile...

__device__ __inline__ int inclusivePrefixSumWARP_old(volatile int * data, int myvalue) {

we get correct results!

Why? Without Volatile

Let's see what instructions get generated for the no-volatile version of our code.

mov.u32 %r89, 0;
st.shared.u32 [%r17], %r89;     # data[0] = 0
ld.shared.u32 %r90, [%r17+124];
add.s32 %r91, %r90, %r88;       # myvalue += data[32 - 1]
ld.shared.u32 %r92, [%r17+120];
add.s32 %r93, %r92, %r91;       # myvalue += data[32 - 2]
ld.shared.u32 %r94, [%r17+112];	
add.s32 %r95, %r94, %r93;       # myvalue += data[32 - 4]
ld.shared.u32 %r96, [%r17+96];
add.s32 %r97, %r96, %r95;       # myvalue += data[32 - 8]
ld.shared.u32 %r98, [%r17+64];
add.s32 %r25, %r98, %r97;       # myvalue += data[32 - 16]
st.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r25; # data[32] = myvalue

This is equivalent to

__device__ __inline__ int inclusivePrefixSumWARP(int * data, int myvalue) {
    data[0] = 0;
    int tmp = myvalue; // where tmp is a register the compiler picks
    tmp += data[32 - 1];
    tmp += data[32 - 2];
    tmp += data[32 - 4];
    tmp += data[32 - 8];
    tmp += data[32 - 16];
    data[32] = tmp;
    return tmp;

Interesting! This is not quite what we wrote originally.

Compiler Optimizations

Our friend the compiler loves to make optimizations where it can. It sees our source code and asks, Woah there, why are we making so many accesses to data[32]?

__device__ __inline__ int inclusivePrefixSumWARP(volatile int * data, int myvalue) {
    data[0] = 0;
    data[32] = myvalue;
    data[32] += data[32 - 1];
    data[32] += data[32 - 2];
    data[32] += data[32 - 4];
    data[32] += data[32 - 8];
    data[32] += data[32 - 16];
    return data[32];

Let me fix that for you. Look at how fewer accesses we make!

__device__ __inline__ int inclusivePrefixSumWARP(int * data, int myvalue) {
    data[0] = 0;
    int tmp = myvalue; // where tmp is a register the compiler picks
    tmp += data[32 - 1];
    tmp += data[32 - 2];
    tmp += data[32 - 4];
    tmp += data[32 - 8];
    tmp += data[32 - 16];
    data[32] = tmp;
    return tmp;

Unfortunately, the compiler does not know that data is shared by multiple threads, nor that we intentionally did it our original way because we want to share information with those other threads.

To elaborate, suppose we are thread 3. All we know is that we have some kind of number myvalue = v3 and some shared array data. We know nothing about what other numbers are out there, only that we have the number v3.

To get information about what other numbers are out there, we have to look in our shared array data. We trust that other threads will put their numbers in data, and we will do our part in putting our numbers in data so that other threads can see.

For starters, our correct behavior would be to store v3 in scratch[32 + 3], so that other threads whose sum needs v3 can get v3. This is what the data[32] = myvalue statement of our original code does.

__device__ __inline__ int inclusivePrefixSumWARP(volatile int * data, int myvalue) {
    data[0] = 0;
    data[32] = myvalue;             <-- store value in second half of scratch
    data[32] += data[32 - 1];
    data[32] += data[32 - 2];
    data[32] += data[32 - 4];
    data[32] += data[32 - 8];
    data[32] += data[32 - 16];
    return data[32];

Note that in the compiler-optimized code, we no longer initialize data[32] before we do the adding steps. In other words, the last half of scratch is garbage.

Next, note that when we do the adding steps, we don't store our intermediary sums in data[32]. Other threads cannot see our sums, nor can we see the sums of other threads. In other words, we're adding garbage to garbage. Sometimes, combining garbage with garbage gives you gold, but this is not one of those times :(

After Marking It Volatile

Marking data as volatile fixes the issue. In essence, the volatile keyword tells the compiler that data may change at any time, outside of the code it sees (i.e. the compiler should not assume that the current program is the only part of the system modifying data).

__device__ __inline__ int inclusivePrefixSumWARP(volatile int * data, int myvalue) {
    data[0] = 0;
    data[32] = myvalue;
    data[32] += data[32 - 1];
    data[32] += data[32 - 2];
    data[32] += data[32 - 4];
    data[32] += data[32 - 8];
    data[32] += data[32 - 16];
    return data[32];

Since the compiler no longer makes this assumption about data, it refrains from optimizations and generates the following instructions:

mov.u32 %r89, 0;							
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17], %r89;		# data[0] = 0
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r88;	# data[32] = myvalue
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r90, [%r17+128];	# %r90 = data[32] <-- redundant!
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r91, [%r17+124];	# %r91 = data[32 - 1]
add.s32 %r92, %r90, %r91;	                # %r92 = data[32] + data[32 - 1]
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r92;	# data[WARP_SIZE] = %r92
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r93, [%r17+128];        # %r93 = data[32] <-- redundant!
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r94, [%r17+120];        # %r94 = data[32 - 2]
add.s32 %r95, %r93, %r94;                       # %r95 = data[32] + data[WARP_SIZE - 2]
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r95;        # data[32] = %r95
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r96, [%r17+128];        # %r96 = data[32] <-- redundant!
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r97, [%r17+112];        # %r97 = data[32 - 4]
add.s32 %r98, %r96, %r97;                       # %r98 = data[32] + data[WARP_SIZE - 4]
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r98;        # data[32] = %r98
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r99, [%r17+128];        # %r99 = data[32] <-- redundant!
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r100, [%r17+96];        ...
add.s32 %r101, %r99, %r100;
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r101;
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r102, [%r17+128];
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r103, [%r17+64];
add.s32 %r104, %r102, %r103;
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r104;
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r25, [%r17+128];

Now we see that it's correct, as each thread writes their intermediary results to data as desired.

But we have potential for improvement. Now that the compiler knows data is volatile, it plays extra carefully. For every data[32] += thing statement, it does the following:

  1. Load the most recent value of data[32]. Since data is volatile, data can change at any time outside of the visible code.
  2. Calculate the sum of thing and data[32]
  3. Store sum back into data[32]

We see that the compiler has to load the most recent value of data[32] for every add step, and this contributes a lot of instructions. Well, to be fair, we would expect compiler-optimized code to have less instructions...

Double the Lines = Less Instructions?

After we submitted the assignment, I found an improvement that would get my prefix sum to perform comparably / slightly better than the provided scan:

__device__ __inline__ int inclusivePrefixSumWARP(volatile int * data, int myvalue) {
    data[0] = 0;

    data[WARP_SIZE] = myvalue;
    myvalue += data[WARP_SIZE - 1];

    data[WARP_SIZE] = myvalue;
    myvalue += data[WARP_SIZE - 2];

    data[WARP_SIZE] = myvalue;
    myvalue += data[WARP_SIZE - 4];

    data[WARP_SIZE] = myvalue;
    myvalue += data[WARP_SIZE - 8];

    data[WARP_SIZE] = myvalue;
    myvalue += data[WARP_SIZE - 16];

    return myvalue;

The instructions generated are

mov.u32 %r89, 0;
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17], %r89;        # data[0] = 0
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r88;    # data[WARP_SIZE] = myvalue
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r90, [%r17+124];
add.s32 %r91, %r90, %r88;                   # myvalue += data[WARP_SIZE - 1]
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r91;    # data[WARP_SIZE] = myvalue
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r92, [%r17+120];
add.s32 %r93, %r92, %r91;                   # myvalue += data[WARP_SIZE - 2]
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r93;    # data[WARP_SIZE] = myvalue
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r94, [%r17+112];
add.s32 %r95, %r94, %r93;                   ...
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r95;
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r96, [%r17+96];
add.s32 %r97, %r96, %r95;
st.volatile.shared.u32 [%r17+128], %r97;
ld.volatile.shared.u32 %r98, [%r17+64];
add.s32 %r25, %r98, %r97;

That's almost half as many instructions, even though our source code was longer! This is because

  • myvalue is non-volatile. For each myvalue += thing statement, the compiler knows that myvalue is not volatile and thus does not have to load its most recent value for every add step.
  • We use data[32] = thing instead of data[32] += thing. The compiler does not need to know the previous value of data[32] because it will write thing into it regardless, and thus this saves us from the load that would have happened for volatile data.

In Short

A lot of findings surprised me. Before this, I'd heard the definition of volatile several times in books and in passing, but could not describe a use case for it. The improvement with storing intermediary results in myvalue was also surprising and interesting to me. In short, I'll be more careful with writing code because actual behavior is very different from expected :0